CCProxy is easy-to-use and powerful Internet connection sharing software. CCProxy can support broadband, DSL, dial-up, optical fiber, satellite, ISDN and DDN connections, it helps you build your own proxy server and share Internet access within the LAN efficiently and easily.
CC Proxy Server can act as an HTTP, mail, FTP, SOCKS, news and telnetproxy server. It features powerful account management functions, includingInternet access control, bandwidth control, Internet web filtering, content filtering and time control. It also provides web caching, online access monitoring, access logging and bandwidth usage statistics functions. CC Proxy is compatible with Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP, Win2003 and Vista.
CCProxy can act as web proxy software, which enables you to browse web pages, download files and send and receive e-mails via web browsers such as IE, Firefox, Netscape and etc. The web caching function can increase the Internet surfing speed.
CCProxy provides powerful management functions including several ways to control the Internet access on the LAN. They are IP address, IP range, MAC address, User Name/Password and group. It can also merge with Active Directory.
The web filtering and content filtering function can restrict clients’ access to particular sites. It will help you to ensure that employees concentrate on their work or that children are unable to visit unsuitable sites. The time schedule function is used to control the users’ online time.
Different proxy services can be allocated to different users. For example, some of them could be restricted to browsing web pages and others to sending and receiving e-mails.
CCProxy can allocate proxy client bandwidth as appropriate. That is to say, it can be used to control the users’ Internet surfing speed and balance the bandwidth to avoid the network traffic jams that can be caused by users who download big files or watch online media.
CC Proxy Server
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